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Chemical Resistance Data

Greenstone Chemical Resistance Guide 2021

Note Chemical Data (Click Above Link) :

Chemical Resistance Studies on all products were done under the condition of full immersion.
Data was collected at observation points:

  • Hour  1, 8, 24, 72, 96;
  • Week  1, 2;
  • Month  1, 2, 4, 6, 8,12

Specific Results/Recommendations:

    1. Value of “1” indicates long term exposure of 500 hours minimum resulted in negligible deterioration of the material tested/recommended long term exposure
    2. Value of “2” indicates intermediate exposure of >72 hours resulted in deterioration of material tested/recommended to clean exposed area within 72 hours
    3. Value of “3” indicates short term exposure of >8 hours resulted in deterioration of material tested/recommended to clean exposed area within 8 hours
    4. Value of “4” indicates deterioration with exposure of any kind/ not recommended for application
  • Value of “blank” indicates no specific data on exposure/recommendation to contact Greenstone technical service for specific product recommendations